Thursday, November 25, 2010

Another Thanksgiving

I'm not entirely sure that it's correct of me to post my bad holiday experiences.  I feel as though I should be recording these dismal feelings that my cranium contains, but as the same time, I find it rather unfair to post them strictly around the holidays.  Today is nothing short of terrible.

I do not wish to go into detail about the events that occurred earlier today and yesterday, but just asume that I've been under pressure and stress over a variety of topics.  It won't do anyone any good to continue reading about my fears involving the future.  It's too much of a jumbled mess to pick through.  Let me simply state that I'm once again in a foul mood on Thanksgiving.  During the boiling point I had a mind to run away from the holiday entirely and spent it at the local McDonald's just to calm my nerves.  What a terrible plan to devise.

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